Monday, September 29, 2008

He's back!

Craig left on Sept. 12 to go to Istanbul, Turkey and Budapest, Hungary. We really missed him. Life was quite busy while he was gone. Someone helped me on Monday and Friday nights for football practice. Aunt Val helped watch Erin on Thursday nights. She also helped on Saturday, taking Erin out to lunch, getting a gift, and getting her to a friends' birthday party. The schedule was hectic, but do-able with help. I even managed to cook a few meals, simple stuff like hamburgers, hot ham and cheese sandwiches, and homemade chicken nuggets.

I felt like I yelled a bit more than I should have with the kids, especially getting ready for school and bed. Craig was supposed to come home at 10pm on Saturday night, but came home at 5pm Sunday night instead. He endured about 43 hours(!) of travel time, including a very uncomfortable night in London's Heathrow Airport. I think everybody cried when we figured out that Craig would not be home on Saturday.

Anna got sick on Saturday as well. She has a virus.

I'm so glad Craig is back home. I let the kids skip school today to be with their dad.

Joe leaves on Thursday to go to Williamsburg, VA.

We're a busy crew!
Feeling blessed.

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