Friday, February 1, 2013

Spiritual things and books

I am doing many spiritual things right now...sometimes I wonder if it's a bit much, but I am being blessed by all of it, so I shall continue.

  1. 2013 Siesta Scripture Memory Team
  2. The Hello Mornings Challenge at Inspired to Action
  3. The Prayer Dare at A Royal Daughter
I am also trying to read more.  So far I have read The Pioneer Woman, an interesting and quick-for-me read,  by Ree Drummond~a popular blogger, cookbook author and now my 5 year old's favorite TV star (  I have many, many books on my to-be-read list!

The non-fiction choice I am delving into now is Mark Batterson's The Circle Maker.  It's on loan from my local library, so I am making more of an effort to read it than I seem to do with books from my personal collection.  The major problem with using a borrowed book is that I am having to take notes versus just highlighting what I think is worth remembering.  Four chapters in and I have 4 pages of notes.

Trying again to read the Bible through.  That's a goal I've had for many years and never quite accomplished.  I am using
and Prof. Horner's Bible Reading System (a reading plan you can sign up for at the site).  I am trying to read the chapters out loud, it keeps my attention a bit better and I believe that speaking the Word of God is a good thing to do.  I am about 24 days behind, but it can be done in 250 days, so there is some grace! 

I have also joined twitter...@thumperkin2

Y'all make it a great day!

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