Thursday, February 21, 2013

Early February Musings

Found a part-time job.  Looking forward to having some income.  Craig is still seeking employment.

Falling behind on the Bible reading.

Keeping up with SSMT, Prayer Dare, Hello Mornings.  Added a Lent devotional.  

Staying busy with all the kids.  Loving my life!  Well, most of it anyway.

Here are Craig and my girls at the Daddy/Daughter Banquet at church and the other picture is of Joe and myself at the True Love Waits banquet the following week.

Here is what I have been wearing the last couple of weeks:

Ready for church:  Target sweater, knit skirt and red heels, LL Bean tee-shirt, herringbone tights from TJ Maxx, necklace from Sue Peyton's

Ready for a job interview:  Casual Corner jacket, Dress Barn blouse, gray trousers, Liz Claiborne shoes.  (not really liking how those trousers are hanging...)

Target sweater, Liz Claiborne striped shirt, Liz jeans, Merrell shoes, same necklace as above

Here's an old pic of my sister Melody and her husband, Russell, from about 8 months before she passed away. Love this pic of her. She was so happy!  So glad my cousin Charles shared this with me!

Siesta Scripture Memory Team verse...

My oldest daughter turned 13!  Here she is getting ready for cake after a delicious dinner at Copeland's and enjoying a sweet visit with my Mom.  

May your week be blessed!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Spiritual things and books

I am doing many spiritual things right now...sometimes I wonder if it's a bit much, but I am being blessed by all of it, so I shall continue.

  1. 2013 Siesta Scripture Memory Team
  2. The Hello Mornings Challenge at Inspired to Action
  3. The Prayer Dare at A Royal Daughter
I am also trying to read more.  So far I have read The Pioneer Woman, an interesting and quick-for-me read,  by Ree Drummond~a popular blogger, cookbook author and now my 5 year old's favorite TV star (  I have many, many books on my to-be-read list!

The non-fiction choice I am delving into now is Mark Batterson's The Circle Maker.  It's on loan from my local library, so I am making more of an effort to read it than I seem to do with books from my personal collection.  The major problem with using a borrowed book is that I am having to take notes versus just highlighting what I think is worth remembering.  Four chapters in and I have 4 pages of notes.

Trying again to read the Bible through.  That's a goal I've had for many years and never quite accomplished.  I am using
and Prof. Horner's Bible Reading System (a reading plan you can sign up for at the site).  I am trying to read the chapters out loud, it keeps my attention a bit better and I believe that speaking the Word of God is a good thing to do.  I am about 24 days behind, but it can be done in 250 days, so there is some grace! 

I have also joined twitter...@thumperkin2

Y'all make it a great day!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

What I wore Wednesday and I learned something new!

Don't particularly like this pic, but that has more to do with body image issues rather than the actual clothing.  
  • Leopard flats~Lucky Brand
  • Red skinny jeans~Baccini (found at Steinmart)
  • Smock-necked peasant top~Belk
  • Stone and crystal necklace~Sue Peyton's, which is now closed, :(  

The other neat thing I did was visit and view a tutorial on picmonkey, a cool web site that allows you to make edited photos that are pin-able.

This was fun and easy to make.  I don't know much about photo editing or graphic design, and though I am sure it could be improved upon, it's not bad for a first effort!

Make it a great day!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Tappel Family Word of the Year

I am so very slow about posting anything.  I tend to shut down when I am overwhelmed.  Overwhelmed is how I've been feeling for quite a while.  My husband lost his job in September.  We have both been looking for work and have both been discouraged.  4 1/2 months have passed.  The severance package ends soon.

I know in my head and in my heart that eventually a job or jobs will come.  God is an amazing provider.  But living through the lack is challenging.  I am having to trust what I know to be true but cannot see, hear, touch or feel.  I feel vulnerable and exposed.  I am scared.  I wonder if I am being double-minded, how can trust and fear both live in me?  I just keep taking the fear to God.  Asking him to give me faith, to "help my unbelief." (Mark 9:24)

I read many blogs and Ann Voskamp's, is one of my favorites.  Today she posted about "a life plan when you're overwhelmed."  She referenced a previous post about a music competition and the wisdom imparted to her daughter when she muddled through a piano piece.  That post is what prompted me earlier this year (month) to decide on a word of the year.   Craig and I decided that our word would be FORWARD.

Whatever this uncertain year holds we will move FORWARD.